OUTLAW: "Most JW`s can`t "GIVE" that Crap Away.."
You can give them to me.
i found once a list on the internet on novels about the new world written by jehovah's witnesses.
don't seam to find it anymore.
does any of you happen to know any novels about the new world?
OUTLAW: "Most JW`s can`t "GIVE" that Crap Away.."
You can give them to me.
hi everyone, this may be the stupidest post ever.
i am stumped for an answer and would love to hear your opinions, though.
every week or two for the last couple of years, i have a dream--or at least that's what i'm calling it--that consists of me waking up or thinking that i've waked up, and seeing the ceiling of my darkened bedroom filled with algebraic equations.
in most of latin america, and particularly in mexico, pinatas are a no no for jws.
normally used for kids birthdays and christmas parties, pinatas are simply known to be inapropiate among jws and associated with paganism.
as result you would never expect to see any of those spiritually dangerous monsters at a social gathering organized by a witness in good, medium, or even bad standing in the congregation because, why would you?!
hi everyone, this may be the stupidest post ever.
i am stumped for an answer and would love to hear your opinions, though.
every week or two for the last couple of years, i have a dream--or at least that's what i'm calling it--that consists of me waking up or thinking that i've waked up, and seeing the ceiling of my darkened bedroom filled with algebraic equations.
Ucantnome: "I declined as I knew it wasn't real and felt I shouldn't. had a little difficulty getting back."
If you ever have that dream again don't decline. How "real' the dream is is not relevant it's the meaning that counts. That's your subconscious trying to tell you something.
If you were in a single bed it implies that you weren't sleeping with your wife. Her calling out to you might have something to do with that.
i seldom hear of people getting df'd anymore.
years ago it seemed there were a few per year in a congregation.
I remember hearing way long ago that teenagers accounted for half of all disfellowshippings. It was explained that they were more sexually active and less experienced at hiding it. Even though there are fewer young ones nowadays there might be more disfellowshippings of older ones for apostasy. What goes on above the waistline is what worries them the most.
I wonder if disfellowshippings are still 1% per year.
hi everyone, this may be the stupidest post ever.
i am stumped for an answer and would love to hear your opinions, though.
every week or two for the last couple of years, i have a dream--or at least that's what i'm calling it--that consists of me waking up or thinking that i've waked up, and seeing the ceiling of my darkened bedroom filled with algebraic equations.
You might be a lucid dreamer. Don't worry about the contents or meaning of the dreams just the intensity. Maybe it's your mind telling you that you should go back to school.
You may want to try this product and take your experiences further.
i am curious about a list of questions the wt society sent to the moody bible institute.
i may not have all the facts correct.
blame my failing memory.
how do you say it where you are?
geehovah or jahovah?
are getting tattoos a disfellowshipping offense?
i know several jw's that have them but i always thought they were totally taboo.
what do you guys know about this?
this came up on terry walstrom thread topic recently and i thought it would be good to explore this further.
the jws are quite boisterous and arrogant that they use the proper name of jehovah as the divine name of god.
but a little investigation discovers something quite different.
"In our modern Bibles, then, whenever YHWH is found, we usually "translate" it as LORD or Jehovah. Both are wrong, though Jehovah is certainly preferable to LORD."
It's irrelevant that JeHoVaH is not as accurate a description as it could be. Reason being that you're going to have a 101 different pronunciations in a 101 languages regardless of whether it's YHWH or JHVH. Knowing the right pronunciation will still not be able to stop it from being distorted by other languages' own rules of pronunciation and writing.